Multidimensional IRT for Factor Exploration

This post focuses on multidimensioanl IRT (mIRT) as an exploratory factor analysis method on likert scale data. It is a continuation of the previous post, which was about exploratory factor analysis (EFA) with common factoring using polychoric correlations. The data utilized in the two posts are identical. We also compare factor scores obtained from both mIRT and EFA models.


Ali Emre Karagül

TOBB ETU- University of Economics & Technology


November 20, 2024

Mailchimp Subscription Modal


Can we use multidimensional IRT (mIRT) for exploratory factor detection? What is the relation between EFA and mIRT? In fact, EFA is designed to work with continuous observed variables. And, in many cases, researchers use likert type scales to measure psychological constructs. So, that kind of discrete data may not be so suitable for EFA. However, Takane & Leeuw (1987) put forward that there is a relationship between IRT and EFA. That’s why the answer to the question is: Yes, IRT can be used for factor detection, both confirmatory and exploratory.

Today, we will delve into the use of mIRT for exploratory factor analysis. The data we will use is the same as the one used in the previous post called “Exploratory Factor Analysis with Likert Scale Data”. So, you can check the preprocessing section of that post to see how we filtered the data.

Also, in the previous post, we have a detailed discussion about the number of the factors that can be extracted from this data. That’s why we are going to skip scree plots, K1, and parallel analysis in this post. I suggest seeing the previous post for those issues.

Understand the data

The following code is also provided in the previous post. It is used to load the data and filter the participants based on their demographics. Let’s just run the same code to get the data ready for the analysis. If you are coming from the previous post, this code is already run. So, you can skip this part.


data <- read.delim("data.csv")

df_with_demographics <- data %>% 
  filter(engnat == 1) %>% 
  filter(hand == 1) %>% 
  filter(age >= 18 & age <= 30) %>% 
  filter(source == 1)

df <- df_with_demographics %>% select(1:44)
df <- df %>% select(-Q21, -Q43)

Just to remember how the data is distributed, let’s see the summary and structure of the data. Remember that we have already discarded items 21 and 43 to avoid multicollinearity because they have high correlation with items 8 and 27 consecutively.

summary(df[ ,1:5]) # run summary(df) to see all items.
       Q1              Q2             Q3          Q4              Q5       
 Min.   :0.000   Min.   :0.00   Min.   :0   Min.   :0.000   Min.   :0.000  
 1st Qu.:1.000   1st Qu.:2.00   1st Qu.:1   1st Qu.:2.000   1st Qu.:1.000  
 Median :1.000   Median :5.00   Median :3   Median :4.000   Median :3.000  
 Mean   :2.023   Mean   :3.76   Mean   :3   Mean   :3.281   Mean   :2.972  
 3rd Qu.:3.000   3rd Qu.:5.00   3rd Qu.:5   3rd Qu.:5.000   3rd Qu.:4.000  
 Max.   :5.000   Max.   :5.00   Max.   :5   Max.   :5.000   Max.   :5.000  
str(df[ ,1:5]) # run str(df) to see all items.
'data.frame':   26334 obs. of  5 variables:
 $ Q1: int  1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
 $ Q2: int  4 1 4 1 5 1 5 5 3 5 ...
 $ Q3: int  1 4 5 5 1 1 5 1 5 5 ...
 $ Q4: int  5 4 1 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 ...
 $ Q5: int  2 5 4 5 1 5 5 1 2 4 ...

Multidimensional IRT Model Building

Initial Model

In this post, we are going to build 2-factor model as all the previous analyses suggest that 2-factor model is the best fit for this data. The factors are defined as Masculinity and Femininity by the origibal authors of the scale.

Note on Item Selection

The item selection processes for both mIRT and EFA are described in the literature strictly, although subjectivity within the boundaries of these definitions may still exist. In other words, although most decisions will be the same, there may be some differences among psychometricians in terms of selecting/discarding an item. One psychometrician might select an item while another might not. And, both might have their logical reasons. The reasoning behind selecting/discarding items might depend on both statistics and knowledge of construct that is being assessed. Thus, although I am not an expert in gender roles, I wanted this post to be a personal experiment to check if I can extract the same factors and items as the original authors. So, I avoided checking the items in the original scale developed by the authors. See the documentation of the scale for the original items here.

Let’s build the model with the mirt package.

model_1 <- mirt(df, 2, itemtype = 'graded', method = 'EM', verbose = FALSE)

mirt(data = df, model = 2, itemtype = "graded", method = "EM", 
    verbose = FALSE)

Full-information item factor analysis with 2 factor(s).
Converged within 1e-04 tolerance after 236 EM iterations.
mirt version: 1.42 
M-step optimizer: BFGS 
EM acceleration: Ramsay 
Number of rectangular quadrature: 31
Latent density type: Gaussian 

Log-likelihood = -1590607
Estimated parameters: 293 
AIC = 3181800
BIC = 3184196; SABIC = 3183265
G2 (1e+10) = 2645146, p = 1
RMSEA = 0, CFI = NaN, TLI = NaN

The `mirt() is a function built in the mirt package to build multidimensional IRT models. It takes a dataframe, number of factors, IRT model, method etc. In our model, we use the prominent Graded Response Model (GRM) that is suitable for Likert scale ordinal data. “EM”, which stands for “Expectation-Maximization”, is the default estimation method and suggested for models with less than 3 factors. The verbose = FALSE argument is used to suppress the output of the function after each iteration cycle.

With the coef() function of mirt package, we can get the item parameters such as discrimination and difficulty.

item_params <- coef(model_1, simplify = TRUE)$items
print(head(item_params)) # run print(item_params) to see all items.
           a1          a2       d1         d2         d3          d4
Q1  0.5428696 -0.87427291 7.469361 -0.4101088 -0.9383750 -1.53030916
Q2 -1.3926877  0.10494528 7.617294  1.9428222  1.4265050  0.99922695
Q3  0.3767874 -1.84457406 8.098128  1.1101457  0.4213897 -0.18057288
Q4 -1.2437652 -0.22953251 6.872875  1.8390821  0.9332445  0.06892971
Q5  0.2059426 -0.98529256 6.896770  1.1428991  0.4112459 -0.30738685
Q6 -0.3865773  0.04663095 6.864864  2.3255300  1.4584706  0.64351628
Q1 -2.80068782
Q2  0.08154265
Q3 -1.33340228
Q4 -1.21175535
Q5 -1.40389522
Q6 -0.52337385

In the case of factor analysis with MIRT, discrimination parameters are referred as the slope of the item characteristic surface (ICS). a1 is the slope of the item on Factor 1, while a2 is the slope of the item on Factor 2. Positive or negative values indicate the direction and strength of the relationship between the item and the respective factor.

d1, d2, d3, d4 and d5 are the difficulty parameters of the items. They are also called as the threshold parameters. They represent the intercepts of the item for each category in the likert scale. Thresholds should increase monotonically (d1 > d2 > d3 > …) for well-functioning items. Non-monotonic thresholds suggest problems with item performance. To detect these items, we can use the following function. It is expected to print the index of problematic items.

check_monotonic <- function(data) {
  d_columns <- data[, grepl("^d\\d+$", names(data))]
  non_monotonic <- logical(nrow(d_columns))
  for (i in seq_len(nrow(d_columns))) {
    non_monotonic[i] <- any(diff(as.numeric(d_columns[i, ])) < 0)

The output is null, suggesting all the items have monotonic thresholds.

The summary() function provides us with the factor loadings and the communalities (h2) of the variables. The default rotation method is oblimin. Therfore, we provide rotate = "none" in the function. Below the factor loadings, we can see the explained variance by each factor. The first factor explains %17.6 of the variance, while the second factor explains %10.8. Also, the correlation between the factors seems to be zero. Oblique rotations (e.g., oblimin) allow factors to be correlated, providing these estimates directly. As we set the rotation to none, the correlation between the factors is not calculated. Yet, we will get the correlation scores after we apply a rotation.

summary(model_1, rotate = "none")

Unrotated factor loadings: 

         F1        F2     h2
Q1   0.2729 -0.439568 0.2677
Q2  -0.6326  0.047666 0.4024
Q3   0.1485 -0.726795 0.5503
Q4  -0.5865 -0.108245 0.3558
Q5   0.1041 -0.498283 0.2591
Q6  -0.2214  0.026708 0.0497
Q7   0.2366 -0.400577 0.2164
Q8  -0.4228  0.126203 0.1947
Q9   0.3049 -0.576922 0.4258
Q10 -0.2790  0.051659 0.0805
Q11  0.1865 -0.215908 0.0814
Q12 -0.5260  0.171620 0.3061
Q13  0.4317 -0.091842 0.1948
Q14 -0.5978 -0.035233 0.3586
Q15  0.0794 -0.610298 0.3788
Q16 -0.6210  0.050615 0.3882
Q17  0.1866 -0.542158 0.3288
Q18 -0.3000 -0.082622 0.0968
Q19  0.4003 -0.276375 0.2366
Q20 -0.6201  0.163312 0.4112
Q22 -0.5505  0.050788 0.3056
Q23  0.0277 -0.341561 0.1174
Q24 -0.4089  0.102879 0.1778
Q25  0.3163 -0.396559 0.2573
Q26 -0.5752 -0.007970 0.3310
Q27  0.1348 -0.523084 0.2918
Q28 -0.5349  0.021320 0.2866
Q29  0.1100 -0.583130 0.3521
Q30 -0.5607  0.042580 0.3162
Q31  0.4048 -0.284227 0.2447
Q32 -0.3573  0.095665 0.1368
Q33  0.4155 -0.185081 0.2069
Q34 -0.5225  0.054848 0.2760
Q35  0.1540 -0.588756 0.3704
Q36 -0.5778  0.047455 0.3361
Q37  0.2797 -0.314347 0.1771
Q38 -0.6441 -0.015461 0.4151
Q39  0.1609 -0.744320 0.5799
Q40 -0.5856 -0.025633 0.3436
Q41  0.1618 -0.362005 0.1572
Q42 -0.5156 -0.000675 0.2659
Q44 -0.6280  0.000000 0.3943

SS loadings:  7.399 4.525 
Proportion Var:  0.176 0.108 

Factor correlations: 

   F1 F2
F1  1   
F2  0  1

Before we apply a rotation, we need to check communalities to be over 0.30 just as it is in EFA. Communalities do not change after rotation, so we can discard the items with communalities below 0.30 at this stage. Here is the code to print the communalities below 0.3:

communalities <- data.frame(value = model_1@Fit[["h2"]])
low_communalities <- communalities[communalities$value < 0.3, , drop = FALSE]

# print ordered by communality value:
print(low_communalities[order(low_communalities$value), , drop = FALSE])
Q6  0.04973608
Q10 0.08049372
Q11 0.08140447
Q18 0.09683406
Q23 0.11743292
Q32 0.13679041
Q41 0.15723452
Q37 0.17705607
Q24 0.17778655
Q8  0.19465828
Q13 0.19482647
Q33 0.20685832
Q7  0.21643984
Q19 0.23662033
Q31 0.24466433
Q25 0.25733267
Q5  0.25913279
Q42 0.26588832
Q1  0.26771912
Q34 0.27603944
Q28 0.28656914
Q27 0.29178386

Final Model

Items with low communality values can be discarded from the dataset. To do that, run the following code:

discard_these_items <- rownames(low_communalities)
 [1] "Q1"  "Q5"  "Q6"  "Q7"  "Q8"  "Q10" "Q11" "Q13" "Q18" "Q19" "Q23" "Q24"
[13] "Q25" "Q27" "Q28" "Q31" "Q32" "Q33" "Q34" "Q37" "Q41" "Q42"
df_final <- df %>% select(-discard_these_items)

Now, using the df_final, we can build our final solution:

model_2 <- mirt(df_final, 2, itemtype = 'graded', method = 'EM', verbose = FALSE)

mirt(data = df_final, model = 2, itemtype = "graded", method = "EM", 
    verbose = FALSE)

Full-information item factor analysis with 2 factor(s).
Converged within 1e-04 tolerance after 184 EM iterations.
mirt version: 1.42 
M-step optimizer: BFGS 
EM acceleration: Ramsay 
Number of rectangular quadrature: 31
Latent density type: Gaussian 

Log-likelihood = -752201.4
Estimated parameters: 139 
AIC = 1504681
BIC = 1505818; SABIC = 1505376
G2 (1e+10) = 968649.2, p = 1
RMSEA = 0, CFI = NaN, TLI = NaN

Let’s see the factor loadings for the final solution. If we need to, we can apply a rotation later on:

summary(model_2, rotate = "none")

Unrotated factor loadings: 

        F1      F2    h2
Q2   0.605  0.0369 0.368
Q3  -0.148 -0.7520 0.587
Q4   0.575 -0.1099 0.343
Q9  -0.297 -0.5812 0.426
Q12  0.511  0.1587 0.286
Q14  0.634 -0.0172 0.402
Q15 -0.078 -0.5531 0.312
Q16  0.624  0.0593 0.393
Q17 -0.183 -0.5115 0.295
Q20  0.596  0.1708 0.385
Q22  0.541  0.0636 0.297
Q26  0.593  0.0153 0.351
Q29 -0.109 -0.6068 0.380
Q30  0.542  0.0504 0.296
Q35 -0.145 -0.5846 0.363
Q36  0.577  0.0392 0.334
Q38  0.651 -0.0059 0.424
Q39 -0.159 -0.7813 0.636
Q40  0.630 -0.0200 0.397
Q44  0.611  0.0000 0.374

SS loadings:  4.777 2.872 
Proportion Var:  0.239 0.144 

Factor correlations: 

   F1 F2
F1  1   
F2  0  1

The factor loadings and communalities of the final solution looks fine. The explained variance by each factor is %23.9 and %14.4, respectively. This suggests an increase in the explained variance by the factors when compared to the initial model. Now, we can apply a rotation to see the correlation of the factors.

summary(model_2, rotate = "oblimin")

Rotation:  oblimin 

Rotated factor loadings: 

         F1       F2    h2
Q2   0.6020 -0.01689 0.368
Q3   0.0252  0.77249 0.587
Q4   0.6058  0.13388 0.343
Q9  -0.1646  0.59058 0.426
Q12  0.4781 -0.14616 0.286
Q14  0.6431  0.04007 0.402
Q15  0.0496  0.56925 0.312
Q16  0.6158 -0.03944 0.393
Q17 -0.0663  0.52252 0.295
Q20  0.5618 -0.15568 0.385
Q22  0.5310 -0.04682 0.297
Q26  0.5941  0.00498 0.351
Q29  0.0308  0.62368 0.380
Q30  0.5345 -0.03308 0.296
Q35 -0.0107  0.59951 0.363
Q36  0.5724 -0.02029 0.334
Q38  0.6576  0.02896 0.424
Q39  0.0204  0.80238 0.636
Q40  0.6397  0.04283 0.397
Q44  0.6164  0.02147 0.374

Rotated SS loadings:  4.572 3.009 

Factor correlations: 

       F1 F2
F1  1.000   
F2 -0.257  1

The correlation between the factors is -0.26 after the rotation. This is a good result as it is not too high to suggest a single factor solution, nor too low to suggest a completely independent factor solution.

Model Fit

To see model’s fit indices, we can use M2() of mirt:

            M2 df p      RMSEA    RMSEA_5   RMSEA_95      SRMSR      TLI
stats 5090.389 71 0 0.05181388 0.05061086 0.05302509 0.03886059 0.914146
stats 0.9445851

The model fit indices are suggesting a good model fit. RMSEA and SRMSR values are below 0.08 and TLI and CFI are above 0.90. These values are considered as good fit indices for a model.


The MIRT package provides with 3D plotting options. We can use the plot() and itemplot() functions to see the 3D plots of the model. We can also implement rotation to see the rotated model’s plot.

Expected Total Score Plot

plot(model_2, rotate = "oblimin")

Unrotated model

Unrotated model

Oblimin rotated model

Oblimin rotated model

Expected Total Score Plots

Item Trace Plots

We can also check for item trace plots. Let’s see the first item’s trace plot for final model without rotation and with rotation:

itemplot(model_2, 1)
itemplot(model_2, 1, rotate = "oblimin")

Unrotated model

Unrotated model

Oblimin rotated model

Oblimin rotated model

Item Trace Plots

Test Information

We can also draw a plot to see the test information. Test information is a measure of the precision of the test at different levels of the latent traits. In multidimensional models we need to produce a contour plot.

We can plot the test information with the following code:

plot(model_2, rotate = "oblimin" ,type="infocontour") 

The test is most effective (provides the highest precision) in the central regions where test information is high (contour values like 6 or 7). Meaning the test is most effective for around 0 thetas of both factors. At the edges of the plot, the test is less precise (values like 1 or 2), meaning the test is less effective at distinguishing individuals with very high or very low abilities in those dimensions.

Selected Items and Defining Factors

We are solid that our data has 2 factors, with each variable loading to a single factor. These factors were named as Femininity and Masculinity in the original scale.

These are the factors and their variables.

Factors and Items
Femininity Masculinity
Q2 I have thought about dying my hair. Q3 I have thrown knives, axes or other sharp things.
Q4 I give people handmade gifts. Q9 I like guns.
Q12 I use lotion on my hands. Q15 I have thought it would be exciting to be an outlaw.
Q14 I dance when I am alone. Q17 I have considered joining the military.
Q16 When I was a child, I put on fake concerts and plays with my friends. Q29 I have burned things up with a magnifying glass.
Q20 I sometimes feel like crying when I get angry. Q35 I have taken apart machines just to see how they work.
Q22 I save the letters I get. Q39 I have set fuels, aerosols or other chemicals on fire, just for fun.
Q26 I jump up and down in excitement sometimes.
Q30 I think horoscopes are fun.
Q36 I take lots of pictures of my activities.
Q38 I leave nice notes for people now and then.
Q40 I really like dancing.
Q44 I decorate my things (e.g. stickers on laptop).

Factor scores of persons

Finally, we can extract the factor scores of the persons. These scores can be used in further analyses such as regression, clustering, etc.

head(fscores(model_2)) ## run fscores(model_2) to see all scores.
             F1         F2
[1,]  1.9183653 -2.0882425
[2,] -0.5932079  0.4430873
[3,] -0.3261666  0.7950392
[4,] -1.4358888  0.6969259
[5,]  3.1571670 -2.2801150
[6,] -2.3165436  1.3256648

As we did in EFA in the previous post, we can use these factor scores in a scree plot with genders of the participants. Let’s see the plot:

mirt_scores <- fscores(model_2)
colnames(mirt_scores) <- c("Femininity", "Masculinity")
scores <- as_tibble(mirt_scores)
scores <- bind_cols(df_with_demographics |> select(gender), scores) |>
  filter(gender %in% c(1, 2)) |>  
  mutate(gender = factor(gender, labels = c("Male", "Female")))  

# Plot the filtered data
scores |>
  ggplot(aes(Femininity, Masculinity, color = gender)) +
  geom_point() +
  theme_minimal() +
  theme(legend.position = "bottom") +
  labs(color = "Gender")

In my opinion this plot’s being parallelogram-like is interesting. The same plot in EFA was more like a rectangle, although both distributions are similar.

Comparison with EFA Model

It is also a good idea to check the correlation between the factor scores obtained from mIRT and EFA.

Let’s build the EFA model again:

df_EFA <- df %>% select(
  -Q6, -Q11, -Q10, -Q18, -Q23, -Q32, -Q37, -Q41, 
  -Q24, -Q8, -Q13, -Q33, -Q7, -Q19, -Q31, -Q42, 
  -Q25, -Q34, -Q28, -Q5, -Q1, -Q12, -Q27, -Q30, -Q22

poly_matrix <- polychoric(df_EFA)$rho

two_fm <- fa(poly_matrix, nfactors = 2, fm = "pa", rotate = "oblimin", cor = "poly", SMC=FALSE)

Remember that although the items selected by EFA and IRT are very similar, they are not identical. We can compare the items selected by both methods:

all_items <- unique(c(mirt_items, efa_items)) 

comparison <- data.frame(
  mirt_items = ifelse(all_items %in% mirt_items, all_items, ""),
  efa_items = ifelse(all_items %in% efa_items, all_items, "")

   mirt_items efa_items
1          Q2        Q2
2          Q3        Q3
3          Q4        Q4
4          Q9        Q9
5         Q12          
6         Q14       Q14
7         Q15       Q15
8         Q16       Q16
9         Q17       Q17
10        Q20       Q20
11        Q22          
12        Q26       Q26
13        Q29       Q29
14        Q30          
15        Q35       Q35
16        Q36       Q36
17        Q38       Q38
18        Q39       Q39
19        Q40       Q40
20        Q44       Q44

So items 12, 22, and 30 are selected by IRT model but they are not selected by EFA model.

Now let’s have a look at the correlation between factor scores obtained from mIRT and EFA models:

efa_scores  <- factor.scores(df_EFA, two_fm)$scores
colnames(efa_scores) <- c("Femininity_efa", "Masculinity_efa")
cor(mirt_scores, efa_scores)
            Femininity_efa Masculinity_efa
Femininity       0.9741479      -0.3107335
Masculinity     -0.3301980       0.9873525

The participants’ scores obtained from MIRT and EFA models are highly correlated. The correlation between the femininity scores is 0.98, while the correlation between the masculinity scores is 0.99. This suggests that the factor scores obtained from both models are very similar.


In this post, we worked on how to run multidimensional Item Response Theory based exploratory factor analysis on likert scale data. We used the mirt package in R to build the model. We also compared the factor scores obtained from the mIRT model with the factor scores obtained from the EFA model, which was discussed in my previous post. The results suggest that the factor scores from both models are highly correlated. Also, the mIRT model has shown great fit, even better than EFA model. These findings supports the opinion that as EFA is designed to work on continuous data, mIRT is a good alternative for factor detection in likert scale data.

Comparison with the Original Scale

Both my EFA and mIRT models have similar items to the original scale. However, the scales are not identical. The original scale contains 10 items for each factor. The difference occurs because of the variation in our approaches in two ways:

  1. I discarded two items because they are highly correlated with other two items, pointing to multicollinearity issues. It wasn’t done on the original scale. This might be because the authors might not have this issue in their original data. This difference probably resulted in the alternation in the item selection processes.

  2. The preferred rotation method is different in the original scale. Although this shouldn’t make an effect on item selection for the factors, the participants’ factor scores might slightly alter. I used oblimin rotation while the original authors used varimax. The varimax is usually preferred when factors are independent of each other (no correlation between factors). The aim of varimax rotation is to maximize the variance of the squared loadings. Thus, it creates a simpler structure and encourages each variable to load strongly on one factor and weakly on others. Assuming the factors (Femininity and Masculinity) are independent of each other, the original authors might have used varimax rotation. In my personal opinion, these two factors could be considered as correlated negatively. That’s why I used oblimin rotation. Yet, as I mentioned before, I am not an expert on gender roles. So, I might be wrong in this assumption. In a real case study, I would definitely consult with an expert in the field to decide on the rotation method.

Further Remarks

  • Running Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) and mIRT for confirmatory factor detection is planned for a future post.